Friday, March 19, 2010

Unit 7 Blog Exercise

Hello Everyone,
1. I must point out that coffee is good only until a certain point. I drink too much. This makes it very hard for one to meditate. I do like this exercise the best. It gave me a great point and lesson at the same time to focus on. I am still having a hard time with the guided instruction after so many minutes. Mindful meditation has created peace in my psychological wellness. I would like to continue one of these exercises on a daily basis.
2. As for the statement "One can not lead another where one has not gone themself", I believe that experience counts for a lot. You can teach someone about drug addicton, but if they have not had that kind of hold or experienced what use or overuse of medication or drugs it is hard for them to know the same feeling. To the health and wellness professional, teaching someone to eat right when you have never experienced it except from a book is hard to do. As a health and wellness professional I will have to be able to develop the health aspects in my life to the fullest extent to be able to serve others. I must understand how long of a journey that this wellness is in order to bring someone else to the same point. I must implement psychological and spiritual health in my life by taking the time to relax and meditate daily. Detoxing the mind is the key.
Gina M. Costello


  1. I am in an Army and people drink coffee here like it is water. I don't drink don't really like the taste of it. But I have seen people actually get a little crazy when they don't have their daily cup of coffee. I guess that caffeine is a very strong non drug. lol


  2. Hi There,

    I too drink way to much coffee. I am so busy when I do have a minute to possibly meditate I find myself thinking theres something else that needs to be accomplished. Finding the right moment to meditate is very hard for me. As Erica above me says its a drug... my drug of choice!

  3. Gina,

    You are too funny! might make it just a little hard to meditate! That is for sure. I know my one cup and a half is about all I can take! Glad you liked this exercise and hope it helps you to help someone else someday. I am listening to "everybody hurts" again and I rock back and forth at my desk while listening. Cool.

    Have a great day!
