Saturday, March 27, 2010

Unit 8 Posting

Dear Classmates and Friends,
It would be nice to have time to use this blog on a daily basis as a journal or for contacting, but it is hard enough to just do the assignments. For this weeks question, I would like to choose Loving Kindness and Subtle Mind. I believe that the loving kindness exercise will help me to think of others and give me a focal point when relaxing and meditating. The Subtle mind exercise will help me to reach an inner part of my mind to begin healing. Learning to control the mind will be a great start to healthy mental fitness.
Gina Costello

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gina,

    I enjoyed reading your post. I also picked Loving Kindness and Subtle Mind. I think the meditation have helped me a lot along with praying. Praying have got me through some hard times. And you are right because controling the mind is a start for healthy mental fitness and I need to learn to control my mind because my mind gets me in trouble.

    Take Care
