Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unit 4 Blog Exercises

Unit 4-Loving Kindness
1. My experience with the CD exercise was pretty much the same of the others. I just don't think that they work for me. I am better reading the word and praying for people that breathing them in and out. When I reflect, I like to have a clear mind and that makes it easier for me to clear away thoughts. I definitly recommend that everyone try it to see what works best for them.
2. The concept of a mental workout is a daily way to experience psychological flourishing.The key to success is to stick with the workout. This is the key to strenghthening consciousness and creating a caring heart. Peace and tranquility along with wisdom are proven results from this exercise. Long and short term mind altering transition expansion creates good health and wellbeing. This includes being able to change negative emotions to positive ones, and by enhancing mental functions (Dacher, 2006). I would implement these exercises to clear my mind for better communication and concentration skills.
gm costello

Friday, February 19, 2010

Unit 3- The Mind-Body Connection

Hello Everyone,
1. Total Optimal Well Being Ratings
a)Physical Well Being- 1
b)Spiritual Well Being-8
c)Psychological Well Being- 9
2. My Goals
a) My physical goals are to begin to exercise.
b) My spiritual goals are to spend the amount of time that I should reflecting.
c) My psychological goals are to create a mind-body connection that fits me.
3. Activities that I can implement to reach my goals.
a) In the area of physical well being, I can add a slightly intense program of strength exercises along with a lot of walking and stretching.
b) For exercises to promote optimal spiritual well being, I can take the time to reflect and worship more often and read the things that help me spiritually.
c) For the exercises that i can implement in my quest for optimal psychological health, i can begin to use and understand relaxation techniques.
4. I am not getting into these relaxation techniques at all. They need a little Pink Floyd in the background. I can see where light therapy can be useful, but this guy is not cutting it for me.
I will post daily after today.
Gina M. Costello

Friday, February 12, 2010

As for the exercise on the blog section of our course page, I am going to have to try this when no one is around (ha, ha). I am going to have to make time for this exercise. My son is running in and out, and it sounds to me like the guy is tripping. I don't want to be ignorant to these techniques and I need to research more about these topics.
P.S. Trivia of the day. The t.v. series House. Where is the hospital located?
Gina Costello
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome,
This is just to say that I am using this blog to learn to communicate in a new way. I am going to post small helpful things that I learn until I get the hang of it and time to get going. Please note that I am learning and using more experienced users blogs to enlighten my being daily.
Gina Costello

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Refelective Statement

Ethics in the medical field is a major area of our professions. We must always follow ethical decision making when working with clients/patients, especially if our personal views are different than theirs.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just the Begining

Hi Friends,
I only learned about blogs in my Microsoft Outlook class. I don't read many of them, because for school I stick with scholarly articles. I hope this works, and it should be a fun learning experience for those of us who are new users.
Talk To You Soon,