Friday, February 5, 2010

Just the Begining

Hi Friends,
I only learned about blogs in my Microsoft Outlook class. I don't read many of them, because for school I stick with scholarly articles. I hope this works, and it should be a fun learning experience for those of us who are new users.
Talk To You Soon,


  1. Gina- I know how you feel I am trying to get into the hang of blogging to it is new to me. I listen at the exercise and I guest my daughter call while I was relaxing and I did not even heard the telephone rang. So I really enjoy the relaxing technique. So maybe you need to try it when you do not have interruption. Good Luck and look forward to reading your post.

  2. Hi Gina, If these relaxation exercises didn't work for you maybe you should try maditation, or find a quiet spot you can go to in your mind even if only for a few minutes. There are so many tapes you can buy also with relaxation techniques and mood modification. I like these relaxation exercises, for me they worked. Stick with your goals and good luck.. sharon
